Survivors without Parents


Kindle (2022)

A four-year-old boy and his two-year old brother opened their little eyes to the bright daylight of morning. The three-year old looked around, completely confused. At first, he registered the boat rocking beneath him; suddenly, the memories of the previous hours rushed back. He could remember how his father looked at him. Catching the last glimpse of his father as he dropped him and his little brother into the lifeboat, the little boy knew things were bad. On dropping him and his brother into the Collapsible D, Michel Navratil Snr, the father of the two boys gave them the parting words. “When your mother comes for you, as she surely will, tell her that I loved her dearly and still do. Tell her I expected her to follow us so that we might all live happily together in the peace and freedom of the New World.” On this, the two sons drifted away on the lifeboat, being fed biscuits by strangers…