5000 Ans d'Histoire de la Marine

5000 Years of Maritime Adventure


Sélection du Reader's Digest - 2005

Dorling Kindersley - 2004

"Il n'y a encore jamais eu de grand homme qui ait passé toute sa vie à terre." White Jacket ou la Vie à bord d'un navire de guerre.
Herman Melville, 1850

Cet ouvrage propose un voyage fantastique dans notre passé maritime. Du simple radeau préhistorique au romantisme des grands voiliers, des tragédies de la guerre navale aux géants sophistiqués qui sillonnent aujourd'hui les océans, voici l'histoire complète des plus grandes aventures maritimes et des exploits technologiques de l'humanité.

From the earliest dugout canoes and the boats of the Ancient Egyptians, to the most technologically advanced modern battleships and cruise-liners, this is the ultimate guide to every aspect of the ship, and those who have sailed them. Embark on an epic voyage to find out all about the endeavours of the great explorers as they mapped the globe, and see the impact ships have had on trade and industry across the years. Learn about the dramatic historical conflicts in which ships played a vital role, and take a look at seafaring for pleasure and trace fishing through the ages. This new compact edition is produced in association with the National Maritime Museum, and features every conceivable type of sea-going vessel, from caravels and galleons, warships and yachts to clippers and cruise-liners.