Discovery Channel

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Marion MILNE 2016 Couleur 88 mn

On 15th April 1912, the RMS Titanic hit an iceberg and sank, claiming the lives of one thousand five hundred passengers and crew. Beginning where other accounts usually end, drama documentary Titanic: The Aftermath, tells the story of the remarkable mission to recover and identify the bodies of the victims. Meeting the descendants of three people involved in one of the greatest civilian disasters of the twentieth century, this compelling programme explores the fate of their forebears and reveals the impact of the sinking on those they left behind. From the violinist who died playing soothing music to calm the frightened passengers, to the richest man aboard the ship who perished after ensuring his pregnant young wife was safely aboard a lifeboat, and the Halifax registrar whose respectful and efficient methodology became the model for modern forensics, hear the poignant tales of three families, whose lives were changed by this tragedy. Featuring emotive drama and unseen photographs of the Titanic victims, this is a powerful and moving record of an unknown aspect of the Titanic story.

Le 15 avril 1912, le Titanic heurtait un iceberg et coulait, ôtant la vie de 1500 passagers et membres de l'équipage. L'après Titanic raconte comment, à l'aide de méthodes novatrices, des hommes et femmes se sont employés à retrouver les corps des victimes et à les identifier. Il s'intéresse également à l'impact du naufrage sur les vies des familles de plusieurs victimes : celle d'un violoniste qui s'est efforcé jusqu'à la fin de calmer les passagers en jouant une musique douce, mais aussi celle de l'homme le plus riche du navire ayant péri après s'être assuré que sa jeune épouse enceinte était à l'abri sur un canot de sauvetage.